Empowerment Call, Day 23

by Jim on August 25, 2013

Step 8 of Empowerment Call, Day 23! We make a list of people we have harmed, and, people who have harmed us, and take steps to clear out the negative energy by making amends and sharing our grievances in a respectful way. Didn’t get to hear the call live, or just want to hear the […]

Empowerment Call, Day 22

by Jim on August 25, 2013

Step 7 is a step of willingness, and this step says that: We become willing to let go of shame, guilt, and any behavior that keeps us from loving ourSelves and others. Are you willing to release the pain of these emotions and experiences? Didn’t get to hear the call live, or just want to hear […]

Empowerment Call, Day 21

by Jim on August 21, 2013

Step 6, Day 21, and affirming and enjoying our strengths, talents and creativity, striving not to hide these qualities to protect others egos. That’s the step! Affirming our skills, talents, strengths. This step competes with the religious messages that we may have heard in which we’re not to “be proud,” and, it also competes with […]

Empowerment Call, Day 20

by Jim on August 21, 2013

Day 20! We march, roll, and continue on. Step 5 of the 16 steps is what we talked about on our call today, and it was that: We share with another person, ourselves, and the Universe all those things inside of us for which we feel shame and guilt. This is a step of self […]

Empowerment Call, Day 19

by Jim on August 19, 2013

The Empowerment Call Continues! Today we’re on one of the harder steps, and one of the steps that really is a life long step. It’s a step about examining our own lives from the point of view in which there are hierarchal, patriarchal and homophobic beliefs in the entire system in which we live. It […]

Empowerment Call, DAY 18

by Jim on August 18, 2013

STEP 3: We make the decision to listen and to come from our authentic selves, and trust in the healing power of the truth. In our call this morning, we talked about how we know something is coming from our authentic selves, and a bigger definition of truth. Intuition, as one example, when unimpeded by […]

Empowerment Call, Day 17

by Jim on August 18, 2013

My updated STEP 2: We come to realize that we come from a power greater than ourselves, and that power is within us. The original STEP 2: We come to believe that God/Goddess/Universe/Great Spirit awakens the healing wisdom within us when we open ourselves to that power. On the call I simply asked…when was there a […]

Empowerment Call, Day 16

by Jim on August 18, 2013

STEP 1: We affirm we have the power to take charge of our lives and stop being dependent on substance or other people for our self esteem and security. Many, many people feel powerless. It’s a really uncomfortable experience to experience. For some it’s so uncomfortable that they turn to sex, drugs, and other distraction. That’s […]

Empowerment Call, DAY 15, Steps 15 and 16

by Jim on August 15, 2013

STEP 15: We accept the ups and downs of life as natural events that can be used as lesson for our growth STEP 16: We grow in awareness that we are interrelated with all living things, and we contribute to restoring peace and balance on the planet. Step 15 is about accepting the ebbs and […]

Empowerment Call, DAY 14

by Jim on August 14, 2013

STEP 14: We seek to find, and recognize, our inward calling, and develop the will and wisdom to follow it. The Inner Calling comes in forms of intuition, direct knowing, direct action…a deep sense of something…a sense of direction to take… It comes in saying stuff that comes from nowhere but has a profound effect […]