
Hello Attendees of California United Collegiate Recovery Conference and Highland Highlanders!


Thanks for having me present at your conference! I really hope you got something out of it.

Per my handouts: If you would like REDUCED FEE SERVICES, let’s do it!

  • Reduced Skype/In person sessions have to be started by the END of January 2014 (I can’t have this offer hanging around forever, can I?)
  • If you would like a one FREE Skype session to see if it might help you, and you start sessions with me, you’ll get a reduced fee, but only if you start by the end of January 2014.

So you know: Skype Counseling sessions are only available if you live in California.

Ready? Great. There IS paperwork that LEGALLY and ETHICALLY I have to have you look at, read, and fill out before we can begin. Here’s the link: http://jimmichael.com/forms-2/

So let’s get it done as this page may be deleted after February 2014!


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