STEP 12: We seek our situations,jobs, and people that affirm our intelligence, perceptions, and self-worth and avoid situations or people who are hurtful, harmful, or demeaning to us.
This is pretty straight forward, it’s simple, but may not be easy. We’re surrounded by the negativity… of the news, of politics, of people out of integrity all over the place, so our job is to seek out things that are affirming for us…that are affirming to us.
I’m not talking about a “yes man” or a “yes woman,” but about people who really can get us or at least a part of us. The other piece of this step is to take actions that lead us away from those situations and people that suck up our energy, and that ultimately are harmful to us. This includes addictive behaviors, staying with people that we feel bad about ourselves when we’re around them.
So let’s go! Seek the affirming, avoid that which isn’t.