
Empowerment Call, DAY 8

by Jim on August 8, 2013

We make a list of people we have harmed and people who have harmed us, and take steps to clear out negative energy by making amends and sharing our grievances in a respectful way. This step, as I said on the call, can take a while. On the call, I talked about ownership language as […]

A friend’s depression (part 2)

by Jim on February 8, 2013

### In my previous post of “A friend’s depression (part 1),” I talked about how I thought what I thought when my friend started describing his signs/symptoms of depression during a call he made to me. At the end of that article, I said that I would follow up with this story, and what may […]

Life and spaghetti at the grocery store

by Jim on August 17, 2012

Today I was at a grocery store and having a look at the food bar. Hmm, spaghetti, I thought. But was it any good? I’d never tried their spaghetti before, and, admittedly, I was iffy about store made food. I saw a woman filling up a container of the spaghetti. I asked, “How’s their spaghetti,” […]