
I speak Anger

by Jim on February 10, 2016

I help people with anger. Anger is okay. It’s when we get out of control that it can hurt. But know this: Anger is a powerful emotion, and I can help you harness & channel it’s energy.

I speak Personal Leadership.

by Jim on August 1, 2011

Some say that we are what we do. Others will say that we are what we think. I say that we are the thinker and the doer. By coming from our source within, from our being, we will bring the guidance, the vision, the thoughts that create the actions in our lives for us to […]

I speak Spirituality.

by Jim on August 1, 2011

Many have been hurt by their religions and religious beliefs. Many think that Life should be “one way” as “commanded” by god. I help people find their own experiences of god; not a hurtful, vengeful god that’s going to harm you.

I speak shame.

by Jim on August 1, 2011

I help people identify and release shame. Shame isn’t about our actions or what we’ve done, it’s about taking on the idea that we are wrong or bad at a fundamental level, that I’m wrong for being … I’m wrong for being alive. It’s a mistake. It’s not true.

I speak sex.

by Jim on August 1, 2011

I talk openly and honestly about sexual desire, things that help enhance, and things that hurt, the natural expression that we all have.