Sex Issues

### The term “Coming Out” generally refers to men and women who are in the process of openly sharing, for the first time, that they like, as in they romantically or sexually like, other men, or like other women, or both. I’m not going to be talking about whether or not “bisexual” is an orientation […]

Sex in your 70s

by Jim on August 31, 2011

here’s an interesting article quack quack quack k jdkfojdka dfjdkfaf jdjfk jdkafdj

Renewing Friendships In A New Year

by Jim on January 2, 2011

I came across an old humorous email a friend of mine had sent me a few years back. It read: “NOTICE:  After serious and cautious consideration, your Contract of Friendship has been renewed for another year. It was a hard decision to make. Lots of good people were cut, so try not to screw it […]