Empowerment Call, DAY 2

by Jim on August 2, 2013

Step 2

  • We come to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could awakens the healing wisdom within us when we open ourselves to that power.
  • We come to realize that we come from a beneficent power greater than ourselves, that power is within us.
  • If we look INSIDE rather than OUTSIDE, And only ask, we open ourselves to that power.
  • This Power is Life and we can call it “The Force/God/Universe/Great Spirit/The Infinite/Goddess, etc.

How does this conflict with what YOU know and of what you have EXPERIENCED of GOD (Life/Universe/Infinite)?

Do you have a belief in something greater than yourself?

What was an EXPERIENCE that you’ve had of something “Greater” going on?

If you didn’t get the chance for the live call, and you’d like to listen to recording of the call, here’s how:

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