Step 6, Day 21, and affirming and enjoying our strengths, talents and creativity, striving not to hide these qualities to protect others egos.
That’s the step! Affirming our skills, talents, strengths. This step competes with the religious messages that we may have heard in which we’re not to “be proud,” and, it also competes with the societal messages of “You’re going to make people feel bad,” or “You’re boasting!” and the like. To add to these messages is the person who IS skilled and talented, and comes off as a total prick! It’s the image of people who DO boast, who DO come off as arrogant and pretentious. The pathway to accepting and owning our skills, talents, etc.?
- To come from a mature place in consciousness wherein I genuinely accept my strengths, talents, skills and creativity.,
- I don’t think that I’m the only one with these qualities, and,
- I don’t put down those who don’t have these particular gifts. (Because they have other gifts).