One of the things that has stopped me from starting my Empowerment Call Conference Call, is that I’ve needed to make ABSOLUTELY sure that the blog for the conference call itself if private, and no one except those on the Empowerment Call itself are able to blog or respond to the main blog.
While the Empowerment Call itself is educational, and comes from my consulting and coaching “arm” of my professional business (it’s not psychotherapy), I still need it to be 100% private, to the degree that I’m able to have that happen.
I’ve been working with Chad Butler of Rocket Geek, who has now assured me that the privacy portion of these blogs is complete. This means that if you want to say “I fucking loved what you said,” or “Shit, I never thought about something that way,” that those words are contained in a private setting in which people on the Empowerment Call get to be 100% honest with what they say and how they’re saying it.